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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Francisco Franco Essay -- essays research papers
Francisco Franco was a general and tyrant pioneer, who represented Spain from 1939 to 1975. He came to control soon after the beginning of the Spanish Civil War. In that war, he drove the radical Nationalist Army to triumph over the Loyalist powers. After the war finished in 1939, Franco held unlimited authority of Spain. His system was like a Fascist autocracy. He did the elements of head of state, executive, president, and pioneer of the Falange, the main allowed ideological group. He received the title of El Caudillo, the pioneer. In the early long stretches of his system, he attempted to take out all resistance. He later facilitated a few limitations. Francisco Franco Bahamonde was conceived on December 4, 1892, in El Ferrol de Caudillo, Spain. His dad was a maritime official. He educated at the Infantry Academy of Toledo. In the wake of moving on from the infantry foundation in 1910, he rose quickly in the military, winning the notoriety for proficiency, genuineness, and complete proficient commitment. He was named leader of the Spanish outside army in 1923. Franco turned into a national legend for his job in stifling rebellions in Morocco, and at 33 years old he was made brigadier general. Having suppressed a liberals revolt in Austria in 1934, he became armed force head of staff in 1935. In February of 1936 the radical legislature of the Spanish republic banished Franco to a dark order in the Canary Islands. The next July he joined other traditional officials in a rebel against th...
Saturday, August 22, 2020
American During its longest war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
American During its longest war - Essay Example Postulation proclamation: America’s wars on destitution and Southeast Asia relate as in social enactment eased back down in light of the fact that Johnson’s government needed more monetary capacity to manage local neediness. The military spent a larger part of the spending plan on the Southeast Asia war. America experienced a few experiences during its longest war. With this new show, Social Security and government assistance were conceived. These projects were a piece of social enactment in the United States. Simultaneously, guaranteeing the jobless, helping senior residents and the visually impaired straightforwardly, and installments to vagrants or non-attendant dads were the obligation of the administration (Murrin, Johnson, McPherson, Fahs, Gerstle, Rosenberg, and Rosenberg 989). In 1966, Johnson figured out how to build a Congress that chose local war, just as the advancement it made towards its satisfaction. All things being equal, episodes in Southeast Asia began to eclipse Johnson’s national achievements gradually (Murrin, Johnson, McPherson, Fahs, Gerstle, Rosenberg, and Rosenberg 991). For example, funds Johnson planned on battling neediness in the United States started redirection to the Vietnam War. Moderates in Johnson’s organization defamed him for his national strategies and nonconformists for his forceful situation on Southeast Asia. When America’s war in Vietnam turned out to be for the most part brutal in 1965, Johnson made them the subject of his furtively recorded and explained interpretations. Johnson talks about back to back advancements of the United States’ association with the Vietnam War. These improvements changed a helping and exhortation giving military exertion into a radical, complete American war (Murrin, Johnson, McPherson, Fahs, Gerstle, Rosenberg, and Rosenberg 998). Somewhere in the range of 1964 and 1965, a progression of congressional choices to make genuine military move in Vietnam basically Americanized the Southeast Asian clash. These choices go from the occasions of the Tonkin
Friday, August 21, 2020
Rayong factory of the Simple Shoes Company Essay
Rayong production line of the Simple Shoes Company - Essay Example A Distinguish between essential, perfect and feasible norms and clarify how these might be utilized in the Rayong processing plant of the Simple Shoes Company. Standard expense is the pre-decided working cost determined from Management’s guidelines of effective activity and the pertinent essential use. It is utilized as a reason for value obsession and cost control through fluctuation analysis.Basically, standard cost reflects;oQuantities of material and work expected to be used;oPrices expected to be paid for materials and work during the coming year, and,oFactory costs pertinent to creation dependent on productive execution and down to earth limit activity of the factory.Standard costs are utilized in the accompanying applications:o Planning and Control: Standards give a benchmark, which fills two needs †controlling and coordinating the exercises of the firm (arranging) and examining whether the real exercises are appropriate way (control).oPricing Decisions: Standard e xpense encourages choices as additionally in choices including accommodation of citations, answering to tenders and so forth. Since cost is pre-decided dependent on satisfactory gauges effectiveness, dynamic procedure is simplified.oVariance Analysis: Identification and estimation of differences from measures is conceivable with the utilization of standard expenses, so as to improve execution or to change principles, whichever is relevant. The board by Exception: By breaking down the differences, the chief can concentrate on noteworthy deviations from principles and take restorative activities. Chiefs can focus on basic regions of action where differences are accounted for. In this manner, standard expenses encourage control by exemption (Accounting Tools 2008). Attributes of essential gauges (AccountingCoach 2008) Particulars Characteristics Period These principles mirror the costs that would have been brought about in a sure past period (for example the base time frame). Change These norms are utilized for things or costs which are probably going to stay steady over a significant stretch. Short run versus Since a long time ago run Basic guidelines are determined to a drawn out premise and are only sometimes updated. Impact These expenses identify with a base year, which is picked for correlation purposes, similar to value lists and so forth. Fundamental principles don't speak to what ought to be accomplished in the c urrent time frame. Appropriateness Suited distinctly to organizations having a little scope of items and long creation runs. Correlation of perfect gauges and feasible norms (Accountingformanagemt.com 2009) Particulars Ideal Standards Attainable Standards Conditions These speak to the degree of execution achievable with the ‘best’ or ‘ideal set-up’, for example best quality materials at positive costs, exceptionally gifted work, best supplies and format. These speak to the degree of execution feasible under typical working conditions, for example ordinary productivity, typical deals/creation volume and so forth. Proficiency These principles center around most extreme productivity in usage of assets, for example greatest yield with least cost These measures center around the reasonable feasible productivity, in the wake of thinking about ordinary defects, for example enhancement (not minimization) of cost per unit. Fulfillment These are commonly not feasible ; henceforth such principles may not be paid attention to. These are achievable with sensible exertion and subsequently comprise a decent benchmark for control. Manner of differences Variances from the beliefs would not show the degree to which they could have been sensibly and for all intents and purposes maintained a strategic distance from. There is no consistent strategy for arranging these differences. Here, changes are deviations from typical desires. Henceforth they are arranged based on the strategy of the organization in such manner. How these might be utilized in the Rayong production line of the Simple Shoes Company As is evident from what has been examined over a fundamental standard is to a greater extent a chronicled snippet of data absent a lot of down to earth importance for another set up. Hence, it is prudent that no exertion ought to be spent on setting up essential principles. Rather it would be substantially more compelling if the
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Ethics of the Textile Industry - 1463 Words
The textile industry faces many ethical issues; unfortunately the outworking industry is a growing problem in the fashion world which often goes unheard of. While outworkers are facing poverty, Australian teenage fashion consumers are oblivious to this extreme ethical issue. Young people should be addressing the outworking industry in Australia in an attempt to improve the current and future economical and ethical situations. This essay will investigate the working conditions of outworkers, the amount of knowledge young Australians have about outworkers, the effect of the outworking industry on the wider community and will provide recommendations on how young Australian consumers can improve the situation in the outworking industry.†¦show more content†¦Young people should be addressing the outworking industry in Australia in an attempt to improve the current and future economical and ethical situations. If teenagers use the recommendations to improve the outworking industry their future will look a lot brighter and their families and themselves can buy clothing and know that people are being treated with respect and equality. Bibliography 1. Code stitched up for outworkers. Australian [Sydney, Australia] 10 Oct. 2002: 5. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Feb. 2012 2. Ethical clothing australia. 2011. Accredited Brands. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.ethicalclothingaustralia.org.au/consumer/accredited-brands-full. [Accessed 04 March 12]. 3. Evans, R. (2002). Outworkers take corporate Australia to court. Available: http://www.greenleft.org.au/node/26560. Last accessed 23 4. IPA. 2002. Outworkers Speak Out. [ONLINE] Available at: http://ipa.org.au/library/publication/1213662691_document_200842304049_outworkers_20speak_20out.pdf. [Accessed 23 February 12]. 5. Lormand, E. FACTs and FAQs about Nikes labor abuses. Available: http://www-personal.umich.edu/~lormand/poli/nike/nikelabor.htm. Last accessed 23 Feb 2012. 6. Reap well what you can sew. Australian [Sydney, Australia] 3 Dec. 2001: 13. Global Issues In Context. Web. 14 Feb. 2012. 7. School by day, sewing by night for 30c a job - THE EMPLOYEES. Australia nShow MoreRelatedBusiness Ethics : Bangladesh Textile Industry Disaster2546 Words  | 11 PagesRESEARCH PAPER ON BUSINESS ETHICS BANGLADESH TEXTILE INDUSTRY DISASTER Business Ethics: Business ethics also commonly known as corporate ethics is group of ethical values that are to be applied in business. It applies to all aspects of business conduct and is relevant to the conduct of individuals and entire organizations. There are certain codes of ethics that must be followed by construction industrialists and the list follows as - †¢ Client Service. The clients should be served with honestyRead MorePacific Brands Case Study1393 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study Contents Introduction 1. Problem Identification 1.1 Cost Reduction 1.2 Structural Reorganisation 1.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility 2. Problem Analysis 2.1 Cost Reduction 2.2 Structural Reorganisation 2.3 Ethics and Social Responsibility 3. Recommendations 4. Bibliography Introduction Pacific Brands is an Australian based textile retail business that operates throughout Australia, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Asia. Within the following report is an explorationRead MoreEntrepreneurship Innovation: Zara Case Study955 Words  | 4 Pagesdisadvantages for the firms that enter late into a settled industry where they have to compete with established giants. On the other hand the smaller new entrant has advantages that the big firm does not. For one, a smaller firm that is late has access to the model of the demand in the market and can come up with a quick innovation that can take the market by storm. Zara brand is one such innovation that has pierced the market for textiles catering to a wide variety of segments that have been hithertoRead MoreNegative Effects Of Industrialization1203 Words  | 5 Pagesthe working class remained in the same financial position despite their strong work ethic. After the Civil War, the United States entered a period of industrialization where inventions were being created, and old technology was rapidly becoming more advanced. With this came a change in the types of jobs workers had, as the country became less focused on agriculture and more focused on advancing local industries. The idea that upward mobility was achievable through hard work became evident inRead MoreThe Fast Paste Culture Of Materialistic Needs1199 Words  | 5 PagesHow has the fashion industry adapted to suit the fast paste culture of materialistic needs as oppose to non-materialistic and to what detriment is it effecting the environment? 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The factory workers themselves where typically very poor and received extremely little wages as well as little or no thought havingRead MoreThe Global Clothing And Textiles Industry3122 Words  | 13 PagesBackground: Oil is identified as main input to clothing and textiles industry. In 2010 the global clothing and textiles industry consumes 20% of global oil output [1]. There are about 1.15 trillion barrels of oil has been verified. But based on current consumption rate, oil reserves on earth is only enough to satisfy the world oil consumption need for about 42 years. However oil plays an important role in clothing and textiles industry. The oil refining product synthetic fibre is a primary elementRead MoreTransportation And Economics Of The Industrial Revolution1177 Words  | 5 Pagesmachines. Before the Industrial Revolution, everything was different. Manufacturing was often homemade or grown, not using big tools but rather basic machines. The period called a shift from old ways to factories and mass production! The iron and textile industries, as well as the development of the steam engine, played central roles in the Industrial Revolution. They improved transportation and econom ics of entrepreneurs, yet messed with the economics of the public because new inventions and powers replacedRead MorePositive and Negative Outcome of Globalization581 Words  | 2 Pagesenormous impact on global textiles and apparel industry. Since definition of globalization varies to different people in different field, this paper attempt to define the word ‘’globalization’’. Many studies have been conducted in regards to positive and negative outcome of globalization(Lu , 2012; Shen , 2008). The impact of globalization towards textiles and apparel industry had been analyzed in both positive and negative perspective. In case of global textiles and apparel industry, it has created jobs
Friday, May 15, 2020
Compare and Contrast Remember and A Birthday by Christina...
Compare and Contrast Remember and A Birthday by Christina Rossetti Christina Rossetti was born in Victorian England and grew up in the pre-Raphaelite era. Coming from a well educated family she drew influence for her poems from her surroundings and experiences. In ‘A Birthday’, she looks at the celebration of finding new love. She is overjoyed because her love is reciprocated and wants to make a new beginning with this man spending the rest of her life with him raising a family. A Birthday is filled with joy, happiness and anticipation of what life will be like with her new love. Whereas ‘Remember’ is very different; she must prepare her lifelong lover/husband for her death. The tone of joy is therefore replaced by a much†¦show more content†¦This is followed by the first simile. The idea of a signing bird conveys the image of joyous singing which is pure and perfect. The rising inflection is used to imitate the pattern of the song bird. The illustration of a nest gives the idea of fertility and that a woman has finally found someone who she wishes to spend the rest of her life. She wishes to come home and have a family with this man and stay with him for the rest of her life and this is not just a casual love affair. The idea of the watered shoot also gives the image of fertility were water is the key to life. The nest will therefore be built in this place so many children can be had and the idea of a watered shoot is the new growth of children from the original. It is also the idea of the woman growing bigger during pregnancy. This is in complete contrast with the display of love in ‘Remember’ which is a much longer and continuous love which isn’t just about short term emotional and physical feelings. The second simile in ‘a birthday’ contains t and b alliteration and the sound is as if it is heavy like a pain on her heart. The idea of an apple tree show that it has much fruit which is relating to the image of much love and fulfilment but it also conveys the idea that love can sometimes bring pain and hardship with it when it extends the simile ’whose boughs are bent with thickset fruit.’. It means that responsibility is brought with love because you are responsible for theShow MoreRelatedEssay on Love Poems2903 Words  | 12 PagesParted ’, ‘Remember’, ‘First Love’, ‘How Do I Love Thee?’, ‘A Woman To Her Lover’, and ‘La Belle Dame Sans Merci’ we become familiar with the different emotions associated with love. Christina Rossetti’s ‘Remember’ is a poignant poem written in the 19th century about loss of love. Rossetti lived in the 19th century where people were often preoccupied with the idea of death and perhaps this is what influenced Rossetti. Rossetti shows the cruel hand of fate can interweave in love.’ Remember’, theRead MoreThe Theme of Love and Loss in Poetry Essay2011 Words  | 9 Pagesyou dont risk everything, you risk even more. Some of the poets who are so inspired by love are John Clare, Christina Rossetti, Elizabeth Browning and Edith Nesbit who wrote classic love poems. John Clare was an English farmer turned poet of the natural world who wrote many poems, essays and letters on love, politics, sex, corruption, etc. Christina Rossetti was also an English poet who wrote many melancholic poems with symbolic religious themes. Elizabeth BrowningRead MoreEssay on A Comparison Between My Last Duchess and Porphyrias Lover2909 Words  | 12 Pagesopening imagery foreshadows events to come and we are told that Porphyria shut out the cold and the storm and made the cottage warm. She metaphorically and literally brings warmth to his life; without her it is cold. In contrast My Last Duchess uses little imagery but it based on a conversation with the Counts advisor. However the artist who painted the picture (Fra Pandolph) states the faint / Half - flush that dies along her throat. This also uses the
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
What Is ObamaCare - 772 Words
â€Å"Obama Care†is the republican nickname for the new health care reform law passed by President Barack Hussein Obama, called the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, based on a law passed in Massachusetts by Governor Mitt Romney. Despite controversy regarding this new law, it will inevitably positively benefit the people of the United States of America. The law introduces reforms such as: lower health insurance premiums by expanding Medicare and Medicaid, which ensures that the poor and sick have insurance. This is because the law requires that everyone in the United States obtain health insurance, either through government plans, a private insurance plan, their employer, or the new health care marketplace. â€Å"Obama Care†betters the people of the United States and is a completely utilitarian Idea- it benefits the greater part of the Community. There are currently 44 million Americans who were unable to obtain health insurance before the reforms because th ey could not afford the premiums or because they had a pre-existing condition. â€Å"Obama Care†is a tax funded government program which helps these individuals obtain insurance by expanding Medicare and Medicaid and offering cost assistance through health insurance market places. It also provides reforms to the health care industry iin order to cut health care costs and provide affordable health insurance to all. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (or PPACA) originated as a Massachusetts law signed into effectShow MoreRelatedWhat is Obamacare?716 Words  | 3 PagesWhat is Obamacare? â€Å"Obamacare is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010. The name was created by critics of President Obamas efforts to reform health care, but it stuck. Even President Obama likes it, because he says it shows he does care.†(Amadeo, N.d) In short, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act is a policy in which you are required to obtain medical insur ance if you do not already have any, or be subject to a tax. The most easily argued aspect of the bill is constitutionalityRead MoreWhat Will The Second Year Of Obamacare Bring?1358 Words  | 6 PagesWhat Will the Second Year of Obamacare Bring? It has been one year since the implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Despite countless Republican attempts to repeal all or part of the new law, it is still with us and shows no sure signs of disintegration. The rollout of the government’s health care exchanges experienced significant growing pains right from the beginning. Time has fixed many of these technical glitches, but has done little to quellRead MoreEssay about What ´s Obamacare?812 Words  | 4 Pagesdirectly into an increase in government health care spending. If Republicans want to control the cost of the government, they will have to change their thinking from â€Å"cut government budgets†to â€Å"reform health care delivery†(The Real Problems with Obamacare). The main disadvantage of Obama Care is that it can increase the health care costs in a very short time period. It targets individuals and businesses that are going to be paying higher taxes. Taxes will be increased on those who make more than $200Read MoreHealth Care Controversy958 Words  | 4 Pages Health Care Controversy Essay ObamaCare, also known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, is a Health care reform law that was signed on March 23, 2010. ObamaCare’s goal is to provide more Americans with affordable health care insurance. ObamaCare also hopes to improve the quality of healthcare and health insurance in America, regulate the healthcare industry, and reduce the cost of healthcare in the United States. ObamaCare is made up of ten titles; I: Quality, AffordableRead MoreThe Healthcare Debate On Healthcare1312 Words  | 6 Pagesexpenses along with there own. While every American politician can agree, Healthcare is a huge problem in America, the Democratic and Republican parties have very different approaches to solving the issue. Upon considering the facts of both proposals, Obamacare should be abolished in favor of the Healthcare reforms proposed by the Republican party. The cost of healthcare in America is out of control. As the medical costs continue to rise, many Americans, especially those considered low income, have decidedRead MoreObamacare : Reasons For Obamacare1377 Words  | 6 PagesRepealing Obamacare: The Reasons Why Over five million individuals have lost their health insurance since Obamacare has been approved and put into action. The policy of Obamacare states that employers who are providing health insurance to their employees must tack on additional benefits that the companies cannot afford to do. This in turn causes the eventual cancellation of coverage for the employees, leaving them with no options besides signing up for Obamacare. It is the scheme of all schemes.Read MoreThe Debate Over ObamaCare Essay example1391 Words  | 6 Pages â€Å"ObamaCare contains many benefits, especially for low and middle income families and business†(â€Å"ObamaCare: Pros and Cons†). Many people have been having concerns on the cost of the insurance because it has raised in cost. There is a new law out there that President Barack Obama passed called ObamaCare. ObamaCare is also known to be The Affordable Care Act (ACA). The goal of this act was to make sure every American had health insurance by January 2014. ObamaCare went from being something goodRead MoreMajor Health Insurance in the United States: The Obamacare Essay1291 Words  | 6 Pages44th president of the United States of America, President Barack Obama, Obamacare is a type of health care system that is outrageously expensive and money consuming, putting Americans into serious debt. It had once been seen as a plan to help Americans in their health problems and unexpected accidents, but it went the opposite way of that goal, with the prices to keep you enrolled in it, raised to unexpected heights. Obamacare has been a bad outcome to America’s new health care systems because payingRead MoreIs Obamacare Really For The Best Of Its People?1451 Words  | 6 PagesAngela Qian Professor Young English 103 21 April 2015 Is Obamacare Really for the Best of its People? The American government’s main purpose is to ensure that its citizens’ individual rights are fully protected. However, earning the trust of residents will not always be an effortless task to take on as government have many complicated yet sometimes conflicting rules and policies they need to establish to prevent further conflict from arising. Social programs/policies have been enacted by the governmentRead MoreObamacare And The Uninsured Elderly1719 Words  | 7 Pagesâ€Å"OBAMACARE†AND THE UNINSURED â€Å"ObamaCare†and Insurance Coverage of the Uninsured in the United States Problem: Brief Description of, and Justification for Choosing the Health Policy Issue I’m sure you have heard many debates, discussions, and opinions about the law ObamaCare. Do you know what this law was implemented for? Do you know why some could support it or want it repealed? Do you realize how much money one could leave the taxpayers to pay for their unpaid medical bills because they could
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Business Environment Sales of an Organisation
Question: Discuss about the Business Environment for Sales of an Organisation. Answer: 1. Social networking plays a significant role in increasing the sales of an organization by increasing interactions with the customers. The organizations share their content and product information on social media so that the users get all the information and visit the website to share or like the content. Customers use one of the common platforms such as Twitter or Facebook that helps to increase flow of communication. It is a great way to display the performance of the business and providing valuable service to the customers (Hurwitz, 2009). Therefore, it helps to achieve competitive advantage in the market. 2. Web platform is a fundamental innovation that has changed the business world. The internet is being used increasingly to create platform where applications such as databases and word processing can be accessed through web browser. The web platforms provides integration between conventional desktop and web based operations and allows the documents to be stored on the remote servers and enables the users to access the files via web browser from anywhere. Therefore, it means there is no need to have software on wireless device or each computer with internet access (Jackson, 2012). The web services provide a wide platform to the organizations to operate their businesses. 3. The full advantage of the web platforms is likely not be achieved for some times. The main reason behind it is the security issues that are increasing day by day. The increase in security risks such as hacking, loss of data and malware has led to a major threat on the use of internet. The need of speeding the internet connections is also a major concern for the users of internet. The development of internet is very much important for users and for the business organizations (Marks Lozano, 2010) . It will contribute in widening the gap between the technology users and also increasing the need for developing countries to be connected technologically. However, the use of internet for networking and computer based activities will substantially increase in coming year. The main issue faced by the users of internet is security issues. 4. The use of internet is increasing day by day in the current business environment that has led to increase in expectations. The cloud computing has gained its popularity by solving the problem of storage system. However, there are uncertainties in the development of cloud computing. The major issue with cloud computing is security issue which imposes significant impact on the users. One of the main reasons behind the uncertainty of cloud computing is that the object is not very well understood by all and some inadvertent factors have the potential of influencing the way in which it works. Retrospective uncertainty lies in the fact there has not been much information and data gathered about its behavior in the past. Technical uncertainty lies in the fact that it is not possible to specifically predict the results of the future from the decisions of the present (Rountree Castrillo, 2014). 5. Work practices and productivity are bound to be enhanced due to the incorporation of cloud computing. It would help in maintaining business continuity as data and information in a system gets backed up and protected in a safe and secure location so the concerned individual of the organization can access it without much difficulty. The productivity of a workplace gets increased as a cloud environment gives the opportunity to a business to collaborate and communicate with others in a much better manner. Moreover cloud computing gives the opportunity to the employees of an organization to have flexible work hours that help the workers to meet up with the deadline that they have been assigned in an effective manner and therefore the companys performance also increases. Access to automatic updates is provided by cloud computing and this helps the organizations to automatically update its IT requirements without having to go through many problems. 6. In case of a web platform provider that reaches a dominant standard there are many benefits and advantages in the store. It consumes less bandwidth and thus ensures faster downloads which is bound to be very beneficial for any individual that uses that platform. Secondly, the search engine optimization gets improved without needing to undergo much costs and this cost effectiveness can be very helpful for the web platform itself. Increased website traffic aids the web platform to maintain contact with the users at each and every level. Therefore achieving the level of a dominant standard can prove to be very advantageous for a web platform. 7. Most of the computers used all over the world is incorporated with the Microsoft software and thus most of the users are accustomed to the way in which it works. Therefore when Microsoft develops web based applications, more users are bound to opt for it as they are familiar with the way in which it will work. Secondly the web based applications created by Microsoft is bound to comply with the Microsoft Office Software incorporated in the computers and thus would be more accepted by the users. These are the basic advantages that Microsoft would have while developing web based applications (Sosinsky, 2011). These applications in no time will become popular as the common users of the application will attract potential users of the application. 8. With the advent of internet and at the present time different web based applications that cover each and every subject and topic under the sun, the world has become a very small place. Therefore learning has become a very easy process as one can search for any application and learn about the particular topic that he or she wants to. It can thus be said that the web based applications have enhanced the access to knowledge by a much greater extent. References Hurwitz, J. (2009).Cloud computing for dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Pub. Jackson, K. (2012).OpenStack cloud computing cookbook. Birmingham: Packt Publishing. Marks, E. Lozano, B. (2010).Executive's guide to cloud computing. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley. Rountree, D. Castrillo, I. (2014).Basics of cloud computing. Amsterdam: Elsevier Syngress. Sosinsky, B. (2011).Cloud computing bible. Indianapolis, IN: Wiley.
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